January meeting information

January 21, 7pm
Online Zoom details will be sent and posted Thursday AM


  • Presentation by Spring Forward, a group of Hamden residents seeking to create more housing opportunity for all.
  • Discussion of planter pilot project for Whitney & Putnam area.

We hope to see you on Thursday!

November meeting information

November 19, 7pm
Online Zoom details will be sent and posted Thursday AM

Reminder: it’s time to renew your membership for the coming year. We count on your support! You can pay online here https://whitneyville.org/join/


  • Update by Helen Ward on Whitney Avenue traffic issues.
  • Discussion of tree replacement on the west side of Whitney Avenue south of Putnam.

We hope to see you on Thursday!

September meeting connection information and agenda

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 890 7690 2454
Passcode: 6b8b60

OR by phone: Dial by your location
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 890 7690 2454
Passcode: 429020

Reminder: it’s time to renew your membership for the coming year. We count on your support! You can pay online here https://whitneyville.org/join/


  • A United Illuminating representative will provide an overview of the Whitney Avenue Substation Decommission Project, including replacement of many poles in the neighborhood. [more info]. Postponed until November meeting – work is also delayed due to storm recovery
  • Update from library committee: impact of the pandemic on fundraising activity.
  • Discussion of proposed bylaws change to elect president and vice president in the same year to have concurrent terms. This amendment would make it possible for the latter to succeed the former without creating a vacancy in the Vice President position. Elections for the offices of Treasurer and Secretary would be held at the same time instead.

The text of the proposed amendment:

Article IX - Elections and Nominations

Sec. I - Officers of the Association shall be elected for terms of two years.

Sec. II - With the exception of the Treasurer, officers may not hold their
 respective offices consecutively for more than one term.

Sec. III - The President, and Treasurer Vice President shall be elected at
 the Annual Meeting on the odd numbered years.

Sec. IV - The Vice-President Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected at the
 Annual Meeting on the even numbered years.

Sec. V - The Executive Board shall nominate candidates for the appropriate
 offices of the Association depending upon whether it is an odd or even
 numbered year and communicate these nominations to the Voting Members prior
 to the Annual Meeting. In so far as possible, the Board shall see that all 
 areas of the Association are represented.
  • Finally, a motion to extend the terms of the current Vice President and Secretary.  The extension would provide additional time to recruit new candidates for these positions.  In the event that the proposed Bylaws amendment is approved, it will enable the Vice President to continue in office until the next (May 2021) election.

2020 Annual Meeting Connection Information

The 2020 Annual Meeting on May 21 will be held virtually. The connection instructions in the email sent this week are here (temporarily) as well:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 825 1614 7600
Password: 5JPFS4

OR from your smartphone – one tap mobile
+19292056099,,82516147600#,,1#,959794# US (New York)
+13017158592,,82516147600#,,1#,959794# US (Germantown)

OR from your regular phone, dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Maryland)
Meeting ID: 825 1614 7600
Password: 959794

2020 Annual Meeting – May 21

The 2020 Annual Meeting on May 21 will be held virtually. The connection instructions in the email sent this week will be here temporarily as well:


The meeting agenda:

Discussion of bylaws change to elect president and vice president in the same year to have concurrent terms.

  • Option A: Concurrent terms remain at 2 years, option for VP to run for president, but not assumed.
  • Option B: Concurrent 2-year terms, with VP automatically assuming presidency.

We will hold elections and vote on bylaws change in September.

Updates from:
  • Library committee: how we might continue to support our library in person or virtually
  • Traffic Committee: updates on Whitney Ave project in New Haven
  • Whitney Ave. street tree renewal effort

Your Civic Association is seeking volunteers to help our community by serving as Vice-President and as Secretary of the WCA. Please consider running for one of these offices. Contact any board member for more information on the duties and the FUN of serving on the board. Nominations (and self-nominations) can be sent to secretary@whitneyville.org for the election at the September meeting.

Hope to see you at September Meeting Thursday at 7pm

Hamden Board of Education
60 Putnam Ave


  • Membership reminder
  • Bob Izzo, Hamden Hall, will discuss expansion plans
  • Discussion of plans for this year and WCA committees
  • Roundtable to raise new issues


All Whitneyville residents are members of the WCA, but voting members keep the association vibrant – and we need your participation. Voting memberships renew annually and are $10. Business voting memberships are $20 a year. You can sign up at https://whitneyville.org/join/

Volunteers needed for Music Series:

Looking for a fun and meaningful opportunity to help build community and bring people together? Do you love music? Then join the committee to plan and run the sixth annual Whitneyville Music Series in DeNicola Park to be held in 2020. Without new volunteers, the series cannot continue and these special events will not return next summer.

You can email Deirdre Dolan directly at deirdreshaedolan@gmail.com to volunteer or just to learn more about this rewarding and fun opportunity. 

May 2019 Meeting Minutes

Welcome.  President Dave Bechtel opened the meeting and asked everyone to introduce themselves.

Announcements and Committee Updates:

  • Library Committee:
    • Connie Matheson announced that the 3rd Annual Whitneyville Branch Library fund raiser was a success, netting $1,873 that will be donated for library materials and activities.
    • As per Phase II of our plan, new carpeting has been installed.
    • The committee is looking for new members.
  • Music Committee:
    • Deirdre Dolan announced that the committee is set to hold concerts on the 3rd Thursday in June, July, and August in DeNicola Park, with a rain location in Whitneyville Cultural Commons.
      • June – Jazz
      • July – Sing Along
      • August – Klezmer
    • About 80 – 100 are expected to attend each concert.
  • Officer Elections:
    • Mark Foran was elected WCA President
    • Deborah Maldonado was re-elected Treasurer
    • Scott Matheson was elected Secretary to fill out Mark Foran’s term.

Dale Kroop, Hamden Economic and Neighborhood Development:

Guest speaker Dale Kroop was introduced.

  • Dale noted that Hamden is updating a Long Range Economic Plan that involves five towns.  The plan is updated ever two years.
  • Commercial property is doing well, with a 95% occupancy rate among shopping centers.
  • The Whitney Center is the town’s largest employer after Town Government and Quinnipiac University.
  • The Canal Crossing apartment complex is planned for seven buildings totaling 393 units.  Four are currently 100% occupied.  A fifth unit is expected to open in August.  A significant number of tenants are employed by Yale.
  • The town is investigating the possibility of bringing high speed broadband internet access to Hamden. Stiff opposition is expected from Comcast and Frontier.
  • The Plan of Conservation and Development is expected to be finished in this fall.
  • Retail projects were discussed.  Ulta has completed the move from North Haven, while Marshalls and TJ Maxx have reduced their store spaces.
  • Putnam Place was discussed.  When Stop and Shop pulled out and no other grocery chain wanted it, Porter and Chester relocated there.  CVS is coming, as well as a trampoline amusement.
  • The former Hamden Middle School was discussed.
    • Remediation is almost complete.
    • A developer has been selected to create 57 elderly housing units, of which 30 will be mixed income.  It’s expected to open in 2022-23.
    • The gym will be converted into a community center.
    • Business incubator with space for 20 tenants is planned.

Dale then took questions, which included:

  • Responding to a question regarding the commercial district, he noted that Whitneyville doesn’t qualify for HUD loans for façade improvements and lobbying is necessary to obtain funding from other sources.
  • Regarding the status of Powder Farm, he stated that the 131-acre property is owned by the Olin Corporation, which is under a consent degree to clean it up.  The cost is estimated at $8 to $10 million.  There has been interest in private acquisition for open space.
  • The new fire station on Putnam Avenue will occupy 3 ½ acres.
  • The 115-room Marriott Residence Inn is under construction again in Centerville.
  • There has not been a lot of interaction between the Town and Quinnipiac.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

May 3rd Annual Whitneyville Library Fundraiser

Support your local library, the heart of our Whitneyville community, and celebrate Spring at the same time. Join friends and neighbors on Friday, May 3rd from 6-8 pm at The Playwright Banquet Room, located at 1232 Whitney Avenue.

Enjoy complimentary appetizers, a cash bar, games, door prizes and good conversation. Lightheartedly called “Books & Booze” (with alcohol optional of course), net proceeds will be used by the Whitneyville Branch of the Hamden Public Library to support expanded programming and provide additional resources for residents and families in the community. Tickets are $30/person.

See our flyer for details and to mail in your donation.  You can also RSVP online.

Sponsored by the Whitneyville Civic Association.