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Meeting ID: 890 7690 2454
Passcode: 429020
Reminder: it’s time to renew your membership for the coming year. We count on your support! You can pay online here
A United Illuminating representative will provide an overview of the Whitney Avenue Substation Decommission Project, including replacement of many poles in the neighborhood. [more info].Postponed until November meeting – work is also delayed due to storm recovery- Update from library committee: impact of the pandemic on fundraising activity.
- Discussion of proposed bylaws change to elect president and vice president in the same year to have concurrent terms. This amendment would make it possible for the latter to succeed the former without creating a vacancy in the Vice President position. Elections for the offices of Treasurer and Secretary would be held at the same time instead.
The text of the proposed amendment:
Article IX - Elections and Nominations Sec. I - Officers of the Association shall be elected for terms of two years. Sec. II - With the exception of the Treasurer, officers may not hold their respective offices consecutively for more than one term. Sec. III - The President, andTreasurerVice President shall be elected at the Annual Meeting on the odd numbered years. Sec. IV - TheVice-PresidentTreasurer and Secretary shall be elected at the Annual Meeting on the even numbered years. Sec. V - The Executive Board shall nominate candidates for the appropriate offices of the Association depending upon whether it is an odd or even numbered year and communicate these nominations to the Voting Members prior to the Annual Meeting. In so far as possible, the Board shall see that all areas of the Association are represented.
- Finally, a motion to extend the terms of the current Vice President and Secretary. The extension would provide additional time to recruit new candidates for these positions. In the event that the proposed Bylaws amendment is approved, it will enable the Vice President to continue in office until the next (May 2021) election.