January meeting, Thursday, January 8

Whitneyville Civic Association meeting2015-01-wca-meeting

January 8, 7:00-9:00 pm

basement of 1253 Whitney
(new co-working space in old Whitneyville church)

1253 Whitney Ave

  • Rochford Field update
  • Hamden Hall building plans
  • WCA bylaws changes
  • Roundtable to raise new issues



Greeting, agenda review, intro officers 7:00 – 7:05

Overview of by-laws changes – Scott (no discussion) 7:05 – 7:15
–post list of standing committees
–open up a commenting post

Dale Kroop, Dir. Economic and Community Development 7:15 – 7:30
–Rochford Field and Vilano Park, ex Mill Rock Park
–Part of consent order related to cleanup, this is phase 2 (residential=1, middle school=3)
–Lights- limited to 10 night events per year (all lights off by 10pm per ordinance)
–Hamden $8m, CT DEEP is $4m – $10m construction, $2m is engineering & operation/mgt cost + contingency
–Operational as sports fields in spring 2016 (one year to get grass established)
–Basketball courts (2), tennis, and multi-age playground, stage, etc. open partially in fall 2015.
–Major accomplishment includes all new storm drainage – should help with major storm events
–Parking at old house sites will remain parking, working with police on street parking, esp. on Mill Rock
–call Dale at 287-7033 with questions

Hamden Hall head of school Bob Izzo 7:30 – 8:15
–Christian Dinkeloo, architect
–565 students preK-12, ~160 from Hamden
–Short video presentation
–Review of plans with architect
–Two phases – relocate parking and gym renos, this summer; new lower school after that
–Pending Zoning approval
–Parking expansion will be pervious surface to preserve drainage, per code

Introductions of attendees 8:15
Kath Shumacher, 5th District rep.
–2015 is an election year: Mayor, Clerk, some BoE, and all Councilmembers

Mike D’Agostino, State rep 91st
–Session started yesterday
–PILOT reform is pending… Sen. Looney & Rep. Sharkey are on it
–Transportation funding discussion, major push for Governor
–Education bonding projects for local pre-K and special ed are proposed
–Continuing Care Community resident council bill-of-rights proposed

Roundtable, announcements 8:45 – 9:00

Announcement of next meeting
March 12, 2015

Picture with Rep. D’Agostino

Meeting at 1253 Whitney.
Meeting at 1253 Whitney.


Meet your legislators on January 31

On Saturday, Jan 31st, the Hamden/North Haven chapter of the League of Women Voters will be hosting their annual Breakfast with the Legislators.
 Senators Len Fasano, Joe Crisco and Martin Looney and State Representatives Brendan Sharkey, Michael D’Agostino, David Yaccarino and Robyn Porter  will be joining us to share a light breakfast and  answer questions on important issues such as energy costs, fracking, campaign finance reform and redistricting.  This is also an opportunity for you to ask questions about other concerns that are on your mind.
The breakfast will be held at the Whitney Center, located at 200 Leeder Hill Drive in Hamden in the Cultural Arts room on the first floor from 9:00 AM to 11:00AM. There will be a $5.00 charge to help defray the cost of the event.

November meeting, Thursday, November 13

Whitneyville Civic Association meetingwca-meeting

November, 13
7:00-9:00 pm

basement of Whitneyville United Church of Christ
1253 Whitney Ave


  • Special election of officers
  • Whitneyville round-table
  • followed by speaker: Leslie Creane, Hamden Town Planner

Ms. Craene will discuss the Plan of Conservation & Development (POCD). What positive changes would you like to see in Hamden?

Questions?  whitneyvilleca@gmail.com



Elections – slate
President: Michael Ross (2015)
Vice-President: Liz Hellwig (2016)
Secretary: Scott Matheson (Corresponding 2015/Recording 2016)

In office:
Treasurer: Janet Kazienko (2015)
Garden Club: Patrick Volk (2016)

Moved by Tom Platt, Passed by acclamation.

Leslie Creane, town planner, presented on Plan of Conservation and Development
POCD is the big picture plan / vision
State requires it be updated every 10 years
5 things you like / don’t like exercise – lively discussion
Other ideas, please email lcreane@hamden.com

Reports and Roundtable

Traffic Bell (Whitney/Putnam)
The bell will return with some flexible yellow bollards around it. The town is reimbursed by the people who hit it (if they are caught).

Parking Lot (Whitney/Ralston)
Two hour parking sign refers to the spaces marked “2 hour” only, the rest of the lot is still available for commuter parking. Question on how to have it changed/balance adjusted.

How to coordinate more community stuff/cooperation, e.g., library garden, tool ending library.

Zipcar type space – perhaps at the church or in the municipal lot.

Sidewalk on Putnam – when can it be completed? When there is money in the town budget (or substantial change in property- otherwise town can’t force landowner).

Meeting with Superintendent of Schools Goeler

MINUTES, September 11, 2014

The association needs a President, Vice-president, corresponding secretary. There is good support from past officers. Treasurer and Recording secretary positions are filled.

Bell at Putnam and Whitney is being repaired by the town. Missing bike rack is also slated for repair (damaged by car).

Parking: Investigate status of Board of Ed parking – Supt. Goeler will ask about approving signage. Lane: working with the town to get some parking approved at the Church.

Question: should we have a candidate forum? Or get out the vote effort?
State Rep & Senate races are unopposed.

Tree trimming. Council Rep. Schomaker: not done by the Council, but they did approve a consulting arborist to work with the Tree Warden when needed. Michael R.: state law was passed to require notification. The Town has established a tree commission and members have been appointed.

Sign for cemetery – no dogs, no playing – is coming soon. Cemetery association is the management body.

Visit from new Hamden Superintendent of Schools, Jody Goeler
Introduction by Arturo Perez-Cabello, Board of Education member
Started July 1, he is learning the community
Has served in RSD 14, Avon, W. Hartford; worked as a teacher through administrator