Bylaws information

At the next meeting, March 12, we’ll be reading the proposed bylaw changes mentioned at the January meeting. If you’d like to comment on them, you can post here or send an email to

The current bylaws, proposed changes, explaination of the changes, and map are in the “About WCA” tab – up there at the top of your screen on the right.

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4 thoughts on “Bylaws information”

  1. In the Bylaws, please consider adding Credit Union to the list (Ariticle VII?, new section III) of places where the Association may maintain its funds.

    Also, how much is the membership fee?

    1. The current fees are $10 for individuals and $20 for businesses. The fee schedule is set by a vote at a meeting, not included in the bylaws. This makes it simpler to update the fees without amending the bylaws. I will work with Jan to get the fee info posted here on the web site.

      I agree the banking language is rather dated and restrictive. I’ll discuss a change with the board and post an update here.
      Thanks for your input!

  2. The WCA should impose a very low fee on its membership. A membership fee in exchange for the right to vote is, to all intents and purposes, a poll tax ( and poll taxes are reprehensible and regressive. Of course, other private organizations charge high dues that are associated with voting rights but a Civic Association should set the lowest possible hurdle to membership.
    Thus, I suggest that the fee be set at $5 per person per year. The purpose of the fee is not to raise revenue but it is, rather, a means of identifying bona fide members when there is a vote to be taken.
    When the Association needs money for a specific purpose, for example, hiring an attorney, money can be (as it always has been) raised via donations.

    1. You articulate our understanding of the membership fee eloquently- a way to identify active or committed members for those times when a vote needs to be taken. The current board agrees that an association like ours does not need a large standing balance in the treasury and does not view the membership dues as a way to raise funds.

      The amount of the (voting) member dues is (would be) set by a simple vote of the membership. Any member may suggest a new dues amount or structure at a regular meeting. A $5 proposal may indeed find support if brought forward. Simarly, the difference in dues for businesses and individuals/households is a function of the dues schedule, not the bylaws; it can be changed in the same way.

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