Whitneyville Civic Association meeting
March 10, 7:00-9:00 pm
Putnam Room of Whitneyville Cultural Commons
1253 Whitney Ave
- Updates
- Marian Amodio, Hamden Public Library
- Roundtable to raise new issues
March 10, 7:00-9:00 pm
Putnam Room of Whitneyville Cultural Commons
1253 Whitney Ave
Whitneyville Civic Association meeting
January 14, 7:00-9:00 pm
Putnam Room of 1253 Whitney / Whitneyville Cultural Commons
1253 Whitney Ave
Traffic calming on Mather St. has started.
Mayor Leng updated on the Putnam Bell – truck needed to replace it is broken, but he asked works to borrow/rent a truck; must be above 40F for epoxy to cure.
Annual Election (May 2016): need a vice-president and secretary. Please let the board know if you have questions of are interested in running.
Help with the 2016 Music Slam – Jan would like help with publicity for the three evenings over the summer.
Help with litter pick up in May – need help distributing bags/gloves and actually doing pickup around the neighborhood.
Reminder to pay dues, see Treasurer Deb Weckerle.
Laine Harris & Deirdre Dolan – update on 1253 / Whitneyville Cultural Commons
Nonprofit organization, Whitneyville Cultural Commons, will operate the property and eventually purchase the profit. Civic Association will remain separate with a separate mission, but coordination is encouraged and WCA is welcomed to continue to meet in the space. All are encouraged to join or participate in the WCC.
Chief Wydra, Hamden Police Department
Traffic Calming:
Mather and Servoss / Mather and Waite: line painting at Waite, crosswalk at Servoss (in-street signs are removed for winter – will consider having resident remove sign when it snows instead). Development at 380 is contingent on 4 speed enforcement units (signs that display speed) that would be installed 2 near development, 2 other places on Mather. Longer-term suggestion to reduce clearance on Mather/trail bridge, more like the box culvert at Skiff St. to increase sight lines, reduce hill height.
Community policing initiative:
Outreach to young people: Police Explorer, School Resource Officers (Middle and High School), Police & Youth, and YMCA after school programs. Also, bike patrols have grown, resumed a walking beat and hope to further expand. Citizens Police Academy is a 12 week program that familiarizes participants with law enforcement.
To help police be most effective, they need to know what is happening, so be sure to report all crime – even if it seems minor to you (and you can remain anonymous).
Remember to email to sign up for Whitneyville alerts.
Roundtable to raise new issues:
Question about Putnam Plaza status – unknown, but suggestion to incorporate trail better into any redevelopment plans.
Kath Schomaker:
MLK, Jr. Event this Sunday @ Friendship Baptist Church, 4:00 p.m., on Edwards Street.
The Hamden-North Haven League of Women Voters is sponsoring a “Meet Your Legislators” breakfast. It will be at 1253 Whitney on Saturday morning, January 23 from 9-11am.
For more information or to RSVP, contact Jim Redman at
January 14, 7:00-9:00 pm
Putnam Room of 1253 Whitney
1253 Whitney Ave
November meeting 11/12/2015
Old Business
Parking update- Liz Helwig
Traffic update – Mike Lockett
Kath Schumaker – Council update
We received a thank you from the organizers of the Whitneyville Fall Festival for our contribution to signage
New business
Sargent Testa ( – speaking about traffic calming and crime prevention (fill in for Chief Wydra who had to attend another meeting)
September 17, 5:30-730pm
Like wine? Like art? Like open space? Join us and meet some fun, like-minded folks in Hamden who care about open space and the environment at our annual wine tasting fundraiser Thursday, September 17 from 5:30 – 7:30 Whitney Center. Come hear what the eagles at our latest property acquisition are up to. Meet artists Dorie Petrocko and Linda Miller of the Connecticut Natural Science Illustrators and enjoy their artwork on display. Tickets available at the door: $25 per couple or $15 each.
Jan’s first meeting since she was elected president. Has been in the neighborhood since 1978, looking forward to working with the association.
Old business:
– Complaint about overlook trash barrel – it’s now on the pickup route. Alert the town help line if you see trash pileup problems.
– Traffic committee contacting the Mayor about Mather traffic calming plan. See further discussion later in meeting.
– Public parking – sent letter about signage in the public lot and asking for enforcement.
– Davenport-Dunbar plantings on Clifford; Michael is in contact with town, but enforcement is complaint-driven.
– Dave reported on library branch – peeling paint may be fixed/covered, will ask to have hours posted on the new door window.
New business:
– Whitneyville Fall Festival is this Saturday, 9/12 10:00am – 4:00pm. Need someone at the table from 3 to 4 (Deb and Scott will do this). Stop by the table and say “Hi”.
– League of Women Voters candidates forum October 29 7pm to 9pm at Miller Library. We are co-sponsoring with several other civic associations. Send questions for candidates to Jan (
– Hamden Land Conservation Trust is looking for a Scout Troop to help steward Johnson Pond. There are troops in Spring Glen, but not in Whitneyville.
John Hudak, Regional Water Authority, Environmental Planning Department. or
An informative presentation on the history, real estate, and environmental activities of the Authority, including details on Lake Whitney and the local treatment plant (one of four). Sign up for Lake Whitney Management Plan updates (annually) by contacting
Rep. Mike D’Agostino
Asked for feedback on residential parking issue in the town. Also discussed strategies for engaging town on parking and zoning enforcement issues. Also provided updates on legislature.
Agreed to write an open letter to request town explain why Mather/Waite traffic calming work was not completed as described at WCA May meeting and a pre-project meeting was not held.
Announcement: Hamden Land Trust fundraiser wine tasting and art show, at Whitney Center, 9/17, 5:30-7:30.
Whitneyville Civic Association meeting
September 10, 7:00-9:00 pm
basement of 1253 Whitney,
1253 Whitney Ave
Saturday, September 5, from 8-Noon at the corner of Servoss and Mather, volunteers are needed to help wood chip the length of the trail that runs from Mather to Servoss across the Trust property. Wood chips will be delivered, but we will need a few wheel barrows, some steel rakes, shovels, and maybe a bowsaw or two… and of course some people to move the chips and use the tools!
6-10 people would be ideal, and we would prefer no young children, but supervised teenagers are fine. It can be pretty heavy work. Gloves, water bottle, insect repellent will also be helpful. If someone can come for just an hour or two, that’s fine. No need to commit to the full four hours.
Contact Tom Parlapiano of the Hamden Land Conservation Trust at or 203-288-1341 if you have questions.