
Email Exchange re: Downed tree at Putnam and Whitney

Mayor Leng sent the following email to the WCA on June 15th: I’m going to look into this.


The WCA replied:

Dear Mayor Leng,

Your prompt response and willingness to look into this issue is noteworthy and appreciated. And please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.


Janet Kaszienko, President

Deirdre Dolan, Secretary

Letter: Tree Down due to Car Accident

Dear Mr. Cesare,

We are very concerned about a tree that was uprooted and knocked over as a result of a car accident at the corner of Putnam and Whitney near the bell in the downtown business district of Whitneyville.

We think the tree may be salvageable. It has been roughly wedged back into place by the WCA sandwich board, but without the board, it will fall over again. The Whitneyville Garden Committee discussed possibly doing this work ourselves, but we don’t have the equipment needed or the manpower.

Can the Public Works Department prioritize this issue?

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter, and look forward to hearing back from you as soon as possible.

Thank you.


Janet Kaszienko
President, Whitneyville Civic Association

Deirdre Dolan

Follow-Up Letter RE: Whitneyville Parking Lot

Town of Hamden

Mayor Curt Leng
Hamden Government Center

Dear Mayor Leng,

Thank you for agreeing to formulate new language for the signage at the Whitneyville Parking Lot at the corner of Whitney and Ralston avenues in response to the Whitneyville Civic Association’s (WCA) concerns.

As you may recall, the WCA proposed the following:

  •  Establish a few commuter parking spaces for those who park and use the adjacent bus stops
  •  Remove the existing 2 hour limit signs
  •  Designate all of the lot (except for the designated commuter spots) as 2 hour parking from 8:00AM to 6:00PM

In your May 12 letter, you stated your support of “something similar,” and wrote of a plan you would work on with the Authority and Chief Wydra. We respectfully request an update on that language, as well information on how you and your administration plan to increase use of the alternative lot at 60 Putnam.

One thought is, perhaps use of the Putnam lot would increase if adequate signage on Whitney Avenue and Putnam advertised its location and availability. Potential downtown customers are likely to be frustrated if they are looking for municipal parking but cannot find it.

As always, the WCA appreciates all of your hard work on behalf of the citizens and town of Hamden, and is grateful for your support of our advocacy to maintain and improve the neighborhood of Whitneyville.



Janet Kazienko, President

Deirdre Dolan, Secretary

Whitneyville Civic Association

Cc:Chief Wydra, Dale Kroop

Whitneyville Parking Lot

Curt Leng, Mayor
Chief Wydra, Traffic Commission

The Whitneyville Civic Association (WCA) proposes the following clarifying rules and practices to govern the user of the “Whitneyville Municipal Parking Lot” at the corner of Whitney and Ralston Avenues:
  •  Establish a few commuter parking spaces for those who park and use the adjacent bus stops
  •  Remove the existing 2 hour limit signs
  •  Designate all of the lot (except for the designated commuter spots) as 2 hour parking from 8:00AM to 6:00PM
(We understand that any existing overnight parking regulations or restrictions currently in place should continue.)
Approved by a majority of the executive board of the WCA. We look forward to hearing from you by May, 24th.
Jan Kazienko, President
Whitneyville Civic Association

Trees on Whitney

Craig Cesare, Public Works
Tom Parlapiano, Tree Commission
Craig and Tom,
The Whitneyville Civic Association executive board is writing to request Hamden Public Works remove the 3 dead/dying cherry trees , including stumps and  roots on Whitney Ave , directly in front of the Playwright and Framed. They are becoming a hazard and an eyesore. The remaining cherry trees at that location are in very poor health .
The WCA requests the Tree Commission involve the WCA and the adjacent business owners in the new vegetation/tree plan and installation.
We are very interested in working together to improve Whitneyville center.
Best regards,
Liz Helwig
WCA Business Liaison
Janet Kazienko
Whitneyville Civic Association, President

Tree Removal in Di Nicola Park

Curt Leng, Mayor

Dear Mayor Leng:

Once again, it seems that citizen sentiment and advocacy has been trounced by the Town’s Public Works Department, tree division. The department’s recent tree trimming and clean-up in De Nicola Park has resulted in the loss of at least four mature shade trees, immediately adjacent to the playground they so well served on hot summer days.

According to Kath Schomaker the outcome of her initial inquiries was that: (M)ajor tree limbs came down in a recent storm and those limbs were cleared. Some additional trimming under the direction of the tree warden. No mention of arborist involvement.

The WCA is saddened by the careless removal of these mature trees. Even more, we are disheartened by the lack of honest ‘government to community’ dialogue in the process. At its worst, the lack of dialogue serves to usurp the place of the tax-paying community in making unilateral decisions that serves other than our own interests.

We have faith that you understand the critical relationship between Town and Community. Unfortunately, the recent tree cutting drives a wedge (no pun intended) between them that may well extend beyond trees.

We urge you to suspend the cutting of town trees, except in public safety emergencies, until a clear and approved process is implemented and staff can assume their responsibilities in the interest of the community.

Many thanks,
Whitneyville Civic Association

Jan Kazienko, President
Scott Matheson, Secretary

Plan for Whitneyville Branch Library

Dear Mayor Leng,


On behalf of the Whitneyville Civic Association, we are writing to request information on your plans for addressing the physical repairs at the Whitneyville Branch of Hamden Public Library.  As you know, the library building has not been well maintained over many years and now requires a number of repairs.  These include new carpeting, ceiling tiles, repairs in the bathroom, stairs and basement, new paint / siding and removal of the exterior oil tank (among others).


  • What are your priorities for repairs and/or capital improvements to the Whitneyville Branch?


  • What are the timelines for completing different repairs?


The Whitneyville Library is an essential community center in our neighborhood.  The library is filled with patrons using the computers, checking out books and videos, reading to their children, receiving tutoring or help with schoolwork, and meeting their neighbors.  It is a hub for family programs and activities.  Even with limited weekday hours, the library is an important gathering place for people of all ages.


The Whitneyville Civic Association is discussing ways to publicize the Library’s Saturday hours, so people who work during the week can also enjoy the library.  The Saturday schedule has been inconsistent and not widely publicized, so many of our neighbors are not aware of the Saturday schedule.  The Civic Association discussed different ways to promote and support the library, including through our email distribution list and Facebook page, and at local events including the Fall Festival and summer Music Slams.


Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to working with you to address needed building repairs and to expand the use of the Whitneyville Library beyond the weekdays.




Janet Kazienko

Whitneyville Civic Association President