WCA Minutes 5/14/2014
Annual Meeting
Greetings – quick agenda review
Old business updates:
ECS – brief presentation on Hamden’s shortfall in funding from the state. See http://hamden.org/ECS for more details.
Summer music concerts are planned and will be publicized soon.
Litter pickup report – 10+ bags collected by volunteers and picked up by the town
Bell – will be reinstalled soon, even if bollards are delayed
Davenport Dunbar plantings – WCA sent letter to ask that dead shrubs be replaced, town is working on it
Mailing from Mike D’Agastino promoted WCA and 1253 and invited all to join, thanks to him
Thanks to Laine and 1253whitney.com for all his support and providing a meeting space.
Annual Meeting Voting:
By laws approval – membership definition, board definition, geography definition
Vote on bylaws – passed with unanimous vote.
Board slate presentation
Jan – President
David Bechtel – Vice President
Deb W. – Treasurer
Michael – Past President
Floor nominations – None
Vote on board – passed with unanimous votes on each office.
Standing Committees approval
1. “Gardening and Beautification”
2. “Business Liaison”
Introduction of Guest: Dale Kroop, Hamden Economic Development
Overview of the department, what they can offer.
Reminder of benefits of economic development on tax rates.
Discussion of challenges and opportunities in Hamden and several specific sites.
New Economic Development Plan will be similar to the existing one, commission meets second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 – meetings are open to public.
New Issues from Floor:
380 Mather – Curt Leng, Chief Administrative Officer
-Traffic improvements on Dixwell will be made by the developer
-Town commissioned an additional traffic study with further ideas
-Planning and Zoning imposed some conditions
-Traffic Commission approved with conditions
-State DOT must approve – pending
-Apart from the project, traffic calming on Mather is progressing:
-T intersection with Waite St.
-Sidewalk improvements and connections
-Marked crosswalks and sharrow
-Refuge island at Servoss
Update from Laine on 1253 Whitney. Many events are happening, like game nights on Tuesdays. Check the web site at 1253whitney.com for more details.
Next Meeting: July 9, 2015