Minutes from 3/12 meeting

WCA 3/11/15 minutes

Michael Ross described the planned changes in the WCA by-laws, voting will take place at the annual meeting on May 14,2015, copy of exact wording available after meeting and they are posted online.

After everyone introduced themselves, Michael Ross asked for suggested topics of concern.

1-Block watch info. Could there be a link on the website to Hamden Police block watch info? Should officer be asked to speak again at a meeting, as the good weather approaches?

2-Whitneyville library in need of building repairs.

3-Proposed construction on Mather St.

4-Parking in Whitneyville center.

5- Hamden Hall construction. Bob Izzo of Hamden Hall spoke, public input at planning and zoning is now closed, plan has been approved. He offered to meet with concerned residents from Hall St and area.


Curt Leng , chief administrative officer, updates

1-Trash containers now come in 3 sizes and are available to anyone who requests them.

2-Parking in Whitneyville center—he stated that Hamden will now receive the funds from parking violations. There was discussion how to address parking problems , suggestions were– strictly enforce 2 hour parking, designate commuter parking spaces, install a sign about parking behind the Board of Ed building( Curt expressed concern about the students that still use that facility). Curt didn’t know if or what % of moving violation on Whitney Ave goes to Hamden. He will get back to us. No conclusions drawn.

2-Mather St construction- 400 unit luxury apartments approved for land between lakes and the vacant brick building on the south side of Mather near Dixwell. He stated there would be an exit directly onto Dixwell and also onto Mather. [70] unit disabled housing approved for opposite (north) side of Mather.

3-Mon 3/16, Mayor Jackson will present the budget, it will be online after the presentation. There are funds allocated for repairs to the Waite St bridge. Treadwell St bridge is being worked on presently.

4- Bell at corner of Whitney and Putnam. 3 bollards will be installed at the curve of the pocket park sidewalk to protect pedestrians ( they were not installed in phase 1 of the streetscape as planned ) They are intended to be break away ,should be inexpensive and easily replaced. Bell will be replaced once they are in.

5-An arborist has been hired for the town, no details available.

6-Putnam Ave sidewalks- completing the north side is planned for this spring/summer.

7-Snow removal- the town made a special effort this year to clear areas such as major bus stops. Curt made the suggestion of the creation of a volunteer snow brigade, using See Click Fix for snow removal, next year town is planning on making a grid to prioritize, cite and fine for failure to remove snow on homeowners sidewalk.

8-Miller library update-

Roof repairs complete, children’s room improved, interior painting, expanded historic society area, ceiling tile replacement.

2 desks will be consolidated in to 1

New coffee and relaxation area

Library website updated

Miller- open hours on Sun

9-Whitneyville library, Sat hours 10-1, recommendation made to keep in next year budget. Wireless has been installed, parking lot paved, $ in capital budget for more repairs.

10-Town will support litter pickup, Janet Kazienko will contact town for assistance with a spring litter pick up event.

11-$40,000 for new tree planting in budget.