WCA March Meeting

The next Whitneyville Civic Association Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 20th. Bring your talents and ideas as we follow up on our November “visioning” meeting to plan an upcoming block party in our commercial area! We hope it will be a fun opportunity for neighbors to meet each other and for us to boost the economic vitality of our local businesses. 

We will also hear some updates from the traffic committee on current and upcoming projects.

Thursday March 20 at 7pm
Board of Education building (60 Putnam Ave.)
enter through the side entrance

See you there!

WCA November Meeting

Share your vision for Whitneyville!

Join us at the November Whitneyville Civic Association meeting where we will engage in a community conversation about our aspirations for Whitneyville. These conversations will inform the future work of the WCA.

Thursday November 21 at 7pm
Board of Education building (60 Putnam Ave.)
side entrance

Light refreshments will be served. We hope to see you there!

WCA Kickoff For Whitney Ave (State Route 707) Traffic Calming Petition

Whitneyville residents really turned out for launch of petition drive and updates on infrastructure projects!

WCA is kicking off a community-wide petition to urge CTDOT to accelerate its timeline for traffic calming and infrastructure improvement on Whitney Ave (State Route 707). Please take a read of the below documents – if you agree with the intent, please sign the petition (electronic preferred) and share with your neighbors and friends!

Our goal is to collect as many signatures as possible in the next couple weeks, then engage with CTDOT and elected leaders to schedule a meeting together in May to bring more attention to the issues on Whitney Ave and develop concrete next steps for CTDOT’s traffic calming plans.

March 21st Meeting Reminder

Join us 7pm this Thursday, March 21st, at the Board of Education building!

We will be joined by our town engineer, Stephen White. Agenda items will focus on local infrastructure improvements and traffic calming initiatives – including the new sidewalks planned on Davis St and other traffic calming/infrastructure projects planned for Whitneyville!

We will also be presenting the kickoff of a grassroots petition to urge CTDOT to accelerate its timeline for traffic calming and infrastructure improvement on Whitney Ave (State Route 707).

Check out the heat map below for a little teaser for the kickoff  👀

We will not be hosting a Zoom option for this meeting – we look forward to seeing you  in person!

Date: 7pm, Thursday, March 21st

Location: 60 Putnam Ave, Hamden, CT 06517 (Board of Education side entrance)

WCA Community Update and Meeting Reminder

Neighborhood Cleanup Thank you!You may have noticed our Whitneyville commercial area looking especially nice recently. The reason? A group of civic-minded seventh graders organized by Whitneyville resident, Gigi, who spent their precious Saturday cleaning up litter in our neighborhood. WCA was happy to sponsor their efforts. They’re setting a great example of civic engagement for all of us!
Pictured left to right: Ruthie, Mia, Elsa, Maia, Helen Ward, WCA VP, Annabelle, Claire, Penny and Gigi. Noga is not pictured but also participated! 

Please Take a Brief Survey to Help Shape Spring Glen Development Survey link: https://forms.gle/dTbLEZHyBSunrgAFA The WCA is forwarding a survey created by the Spring Glen Association and Spring Forward asking what changes people would like to see in Spring Glen. The survey is open to all community members, not just Spring Glen residents. It only takes a few minutes to complete.

WCA Meeting ReminderMark your calendar for 7pm on Thursday, March 21st for WCA’s first membership meeting of 2024. Hamden’s Engineer, Stephen White, will be joining us for a discussion about local pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle infrastructure plans. Look out for more details in subsequent reminder emails.

Small Business Event AwarenessThe Hamden Economic Development Commission will be hosting a Small Business Symposium on March 12th at 6:30 PM. See below for a snapshot of the informational flyer. On behalf of the Chairman, Donald Moses, we are forwarding his request to reach out to the business owners that may benefit from attending the symposium. Donald can be reached with questions at: DMoses_bc@hamden.com

Hamden Democratic Mayoral Primary – Candidate Responses

See below for Democratic mayoral candidate responses from Lauren Garrett and Walter Morton

The WCA board consolidated member questions into five distinct questions focused on Whitneyville. Both candidates provided their websites for those looking to seek information about more general political and Hamden topics.


