Category Archives: Events

May 3rd Annual Whitneyville Library Fundraiser

Support your local library, the heart of our Whitneyville community, and celebrate Spring at the same time. Join friends and neighbors on Friday, May 3rd from 6-8 pm at The Playwright Banquet Room, located at 1232 Whitney Avenue.

Enjoy complimentary appetizers, a cash bar, games, door prizes and good conversation. Lightheartedly called “Books & Booze” (with alcohol optional of course), net proceeds will be used by the Whitneyville Branch of the Hamden Public Library to support expanded programming and provide additional resources for residents and families in the community. Tickets are $30/person.

See our flyer for details and to mail in your donation.  You can also RSVP online.

Sponsored by the Whitneyville Civic Association.

Whitneyville Fall Social November 29 at 7 pm at the Library

Join us for a post-Thanksgiving neighborhood gathering at the Whitneyville Branch Library to enjoy a book reading, light refreshments, and nourishing conversations with your friends and neighbors.  

Bruce Coffin, who gave a poetry reading last fall as part of our “Evening in the Stacks” series, is back by popular demand to read from his memoir about growing up in Vermont.

Town-Wide Forum on LED Lights, Lighting, Health, Safety, and Science


Saturday, September 29th 2:00-4:00 at Hamden High School Room C107, 2040 Dixwell Ave, Hamden

Leading experts will present the current best practice in roadway lighting to protect human health, public safety, ecosystems, and quality of life. The forum will raise awareness about the difference between LED lighting and older, High Pressure Sodium and incandescent light sources, and will address the issues surrounding the upcoming installation of LED streetlights in the town of Hamden.

The panel will include of Professor of Community Medicine and Health Care: Dr. Richard Stevens of UConn, Catherine Diviney; Town of West Hartford Energy Specialist, Leo Smith; member Roadway Lighting Committee (Illuminating Engineering Society), Christina Crowder; International Dark-Sky Association, and on hand to answer specific question regarding regulations and safety; Daniel Kops, Hamden Town Planner and Hamden Police Chief, Thomas Wydra.

Speakers will present the latest information regarding the potential environmental, health, safety and community issues surrounding the upcoming installation of LED street lighting in Hamden and to outdoor lighting in general. In addition, the forum will have guideposts to systems, solutions and goals, that residents of the Town of Hamden should work to achieve.

Panelist will speak to their specialty, have a panel discussion and open the floor to questions.

Sponsored by Hamden Low-K LED Alliance ( ), State Representative Michael D’Agostino, 91st District, Office of Mayor Curt Leng and the Connecticut Chapter of the International Dark-Sky Association.

Summer Music at Denicola Park

Our summer music concerts conclude on August 8 with classical music by local youth musicians.  The concert is at Denicola Park on Treadwell Street.  Bring chairs, blankets, food and drink.  Music is from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.  Lots of room for the kids to play and enjoy the music!

Thanks to our generous sponsors — and local gems — Framed and Wine 101!


Support Our Library This Friday

Support your local Whitneyville Branch Library, the heart of our community, and celebrate Spring at the same time. Join friends and neighbors on Friday, April 27th from 6-8 pm at The Playwright Banquet Room, located at 1232 Whitney Avenue.

Enjoy complimentary appetizers, a cash bar and readings by Hamden poet laureate Franz Douskey. Lightheartedly called “Books & Booze” (with alcohol optional of course), net proceeds will be used by the Whitneyville Branch of the Hamden Public Library to support expanded programming and provide additional resources for residents and families in the community. Tickets are $30/person.

See our flyer for details.  You can also RSVP online.  Or just come to The Playwright this Friday!

Sponsored by the Whitneyville Civic Association

Hamden Car Tax Rally at the Capitol April 25

From our neighbor Christina Crowder:

A Promise is a Promise!

Join Hamden Mayor Curt Balzano Leng at a Press Conference and Rally at the State Capitol in Hartford on Weds. April 25, 11:30 am to Demand that Hartford fills the Car Tax Deficit Pothole in our town budget! 

How is it that after a year’s worth of promises that Hamden, Torrington and Bridgeport would be made whole on the car tax loophole, we find out now that our town has been offered less than 40 cents on the dollar? These three Alliance grant towns have already cut personnel and services to the bone after years and decades of under-funding in ECS (Education Cost Sharing) dollars.

Let’s tell the state legislature IN PERSON what the loss of millions of dollars is doing to our town budget! Let’s remind our legislators that we were PROMISED that we would be made WHOLE after passage of the state Car Tax Mil Rate Cap. How are we to find more cuts when our property taxes are three of the top ten in the state and our budgets are already stretched to the breaking point by decades of under-funding?

The loss of this revenue means cuts to schools, cuts to libraries, cuts to public safety, and cuts to necessary infrastructure maintenance. Hamden, Torrington and Bridgeport have three of the top ten Mil rates in the whole state of Connecticut, and now we’re expected to do more with less?

Enough is Enough! Bring a sign, bring your voice, bring your story! A promise is a promise and Hamden needs to get full restoration of the car tax deficit!! We know that most people are at work during weekdays, but if you can spare a long lunch, or know anyone who can join us for the rally, our many voices WILL make a difference. 

Press conference at 11:30am at the Capitol Building with Hamden Mayor Curt Leng and other elected officials. Rally and protest to follow.

Bring a sign, bring your voice, share your story — Hartford needs to fill our Car Tax Pothole!  Please visit the Facebook event page created for this rally for updates!

And feel free to share this message through your networks!



2nd Annual Whitneyville Branch Library Fundraiser

Support your local library, the heart of our Whitneyville community, and celebrate Spring at the same time. Join friends and neighbors on Friday, April 27th from 6-8 pm at The Playwright Banquet Room, located at 1232 Whitney Avenue.

Enjoy complimentary appetizers, a cash bar and readings by Hamden poet Franz Douskey. Lightheartedly called “Books & Booze” (with alcohol optional of course), net proceeds will be used by the Whitneyville Branch of the Hamden Public Library to support expanded programming and provide additional resources for residents and families in the community. Tickets are $30/person.

See our flyer for details and to mail in your donation.  You can also RSVP online.

Sponsored by the Whitneyville Civic Association.