May 18th WCA Meeting

Whitney Dam Update
WCA Board Elections

Join us at 7pm this Thursday (5/18) at the Board of Education building to hear guest speakers from the RWA provide an update regarding the Whitney Dam Project.

After the Dam discussion, we will vote on new board positions and discuss upcoming committee revitalization plans!

We encourage all who have an inkling of interest in participating on the board or on committee to attend this meeting in person or via Zoom!

Please read the below for a brief summary of board positions and committee plans:

  • President: Our current secretary, Andrew Pierson, has offered to put his name in the hat for the role of president, but with the expectation that his term would only be one year long (summer 2024 move planned).
  • Vice President: This position has been vacant this past year, we’ll discuss further how this role could support the WCA and committees in the future.
  • Secretary: This position is best served by a tech-comfortable member of the membership who doesn’t mind sending email distros and hosting the occasional Zoom meeting. (comes with a thorough handoff from Andrew!)
  • Treasury: This position has a continuity plan for the coming term.
  • Library Committee: This committee is a great resource for coalescing support around our awesome neighborhood library (a resource perpetually in the cross-hairs of town budget cuts). Anyone with a penchant for books, libraries, and a learning-focused community space is encouraged to join the committee!
  • Music Committee: Anyone who walks the neighborhood on a summer evening can vouch for the numerous musicians in our midst across Whitneyville! We’d love to revitalize this committee with the hope of bringing back some low-key neighborhood music events in the future.
  • Local Business Committee: The quaint residential nature of Whitneyville thrives in large part from the symbiotic relationship we have with the commercial enterprises nestled across the neighborhood. After all, what does walkability mean without places to walk to!?